Professor Speks Strangifier Chemistry Set Series 2. Professor Speks Strangifier Chemistry Set Series #2 Unique Recipe Craftable Team Fortress 2 Level 5 Recipe This item has a set of inputs that once fulfilled will reward you with what's listed in its outputs The following are the inputs that must be fulfilled The Scorch Shot x 4.
Tf2 Backpack Strangifier Stn Tf from TF2 Backpack Examiner
UsageGallerySee AlsoSelecting the item and clicking inspect will bring up a GUI with all compatible items on the left slots for the ingredients on the right and the result under the ingredients If it is a standard Chemistry Set the result will be the strangifier for the item specified in the set unless it is a Collector's Chemistry Set in this case the result will be a Collector's version of the weapon specified in the set Items from the left side of the screen can be clicked and dragged over to any space on the right which requires said item Once all spaces have been filled the result will become highlighted and the “APPLY” button can be clicked consuming all the items and the chemistry set After the crafting is completed the item will be put into the user's backpack and the user will be shown the new item screen and be given the option to resume game or open the player's backpack Players do not need to input every item at once it is possible to select only some of the compatible items to Example of using the Chemistry SetExample of the output of a Chemistry Set in this case a Strangifier that can be used with the Camera BeardExample of the Chemistry Set's requirements for completion as well as its appearance in the backpack.
Steam Community Market :: Listings for Professor Speks
Professor Speks Strangifier Chemistry Set Series #2 Team Fortress 2 Level 5 Recipe This item has a set of inputs that once fulfilled will reward you with what's listed in its outputs The following are the inputs that must be fulfilled Tippler's Tricorne x 3 The Boston Basher x 1.
Buy Professor Speks Strangifier Chemistry Set Series #2
Recipe Professor Speks Strangifier Chemistry Set Series #2Professor Speks Strangifier Chemistry Set Series #2 Level 5 Recipe May 6 2021 952 PM €003 − 40%.
Tf2 Backpack Strangifier Stn Tf
Chemistry Set Official TF2 Wiki Team Fortress 2
Chemistry Set Series #2 Team Professor Speks Strangifier
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