Mafia Bot Discord. Discord Mafia Game Bot using nextcord Features Mafia Game Game Replays Installation Run the following command to install required modules pip install r requirementstxt Open env.
What Is Mafia?FeaturesPrimary CommandsAuxiliary CommandsMafiais a roleplaying party game in which players are divided into three groups Each member of the Mafia is given the identities of the other Mafia and their goal is to eliminate the nonMafia players The Villagers don’t know anyone else’s role and their goal is to figure out the identities of the Mafia and eliminate them via a daily vote The Neutrals are allied with neither the Mafia nor t.
The Best Mafia Discord Servers
Baiter can appear in Chaos and Corona Baiter is a neutral role Baiter doesn’t have any special night abilities but they have a powerful passive ability they kill anyone that visits them They can kill an unlimited number of players in any night For Baiter to win they need to kill 3 players before the game ends Baiter wins as a side outcome of a game therefore they won’t cause the game.
Executioner Discord Mafia Bot Wiki Fandom
MafiaBot A bot that plays the card game Mafia (also known as Werewolf) on Discord Invite the bot to your server Commands to play Mafia The default prefix the bot uses in a server is ! this can be changed using the settings command !mafia starts a new game of Mafia !destroy kills a current running game of Mafia.
Villager Discord Mafia Bot Wiki Fandom
Spy can be found in Chaos and Corona Spy is a villagerside role Each night the Spy can choose a target to spy on each night The Spy can see who the target visits on the night The Spy will have a result for any moving role like Plague Doctor Mafia and Doctor among others stating who the target visited If the target didn’t use their ability or has a nonmoving role the Spy will be told.
Mayor Discord Mafia Bot Wiki Fandom
Fandom Distractor Discord Mafia Bot Wiki
Fandom MafiaBot Wiki
Spy Discord Mafia Bot Wiki Fandom
Server List Servers Discord Top Mafia Discord
dylanpiera/MafiaQuickplayDiscordBot GitHub
mafiarldiscordbot PyPI
MafiaBot Discord Bot
MafiaBot Discord Bots
Mafia Bot The Cataclysm Discord Bot
GitHub frin0911/MafiaBot: Discord Mafia Game Bot …
TinyMafia™ Bot (Official Server) This is the official support server for “Tiny Mafia” Discord Bot Join to get any support related the bot or to play Tiny Mafia game with server members 153 members Join Error A chill place to make some new friends! We’re a small server so the admin team is very active in chats as well as VC’s!.