Life Partner Sms. Message for Your Husband Since the time I've met you I cry a little less laugh a little harder and smile all the more just because I have you my life is a better place Every day with you is a wonderful addition to my life's journey You're my paradise and I'd happily get stranded on you for a lifetime Author Jacquelyn WhiteVideo Duration 44 sec.

1 If I was given another chance to choose the love of my life it would still be you Thanks for being real and I cherish you forever 2 You’ve given me so much reason to believe in true love with the way you cherish respect and love me I’m grateful that you are mine.
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A life partner is such a necessity of life that cannot be denied by anyone at any costIf you have a wise partner on your side you have apiece of mind at least at your home The role of life partner is as important as the parents and close Friends in your life it is like encouraging u when you are struggling and scolding you when you are taking a wrong decisionLife partner will take care of everything till death.
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