Hlookup Dan Vlookup. October 10 2015 by Matthew Kuo VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP are two of the most popular formulas in Excel and using them together is one of the first formula combinations that people learn While using INDEX MATCH for vertical lookups and INDEX MATCH MATCH for matrix style lookups are superior approaches it’s still a good idea to learn this formula combination and add it to your toolkit of lookup approaches .

Rumus Excel VLOOKUP dan HLOOKUP adalah rumus yang paling sering digunakan membuat lookup function untuk melihat data secara vertikal dan horizontal Berbeda dengan rumus LOOKUP yang dapat mencocokkan data teks maupun numerik sedangkan rumus VLOOKUP dan HLOOKUP khusus untuk mencocokkan data numerik.
How to Use the VLOOKUP HLOOKUP Combination Formula – MBA Excel
Rumus VLOOKUP dan HLOOKUP biasa digunakan untuk memindahkan suatu data ke tabel lainnya dengan kata kunci tertentu Melalui rumus Excel ini kamu bisa memindahkan data yang bervariasi seperti nilai siswa gaji umur dan tunjangan secara cepat Kedua rumus ini pada intinya sama saja Author Berita Unik.
Rumus VLOOKUP dan HLOOKUP: Penjelasan dan Cara Menggunakannya
SyntaxUsing The Vlookup and Hlookup FunctionsExplanationNoteInstant Connection to An Expert Through Our Excelchat Service=VLOOKUP(lookup_valuelookup_arrayHLOOKUP(lookup_value lookup_array2range_lookup)range_lookup) 1 Lookup_Value This is the value to search for 2 Lookup_arrayThis is the range to search for the lookup value 3 HLOOKUP This serves as the COLUMN NUMBER in the VLOOKUP formula It specifies the COLUMN where we retrieve the data 4 Range_lookup This is used to specify if we want an approximateor exact match If omitted an approximate matchis used We will click on Cell G5We will insert the formula below into Cell G5 =VLOOKUP(G3A5E10HLOOKUP(G4B3E42FALSE)FALSE)We will press the enter key In this formula the horizontal value (2016) is looked up with the HLOOKUP section of the formula The returned value by HLOOKUP is 5because HLOOKUP searches for 2016 in the range B3E4 in ROW 2 The vertical lookup value (California) is searched for by VLOOKUP VLOOKUP searches the range A5E10 for what is contained in Cell G3 After identifying California in the range it then matches California with the returned column value (5)by HLOOKUP and returns $141000 If the lookup_valueis greater than every value in the lookup table the formula returns with the last value provided it has been set to approximate matchIf the lookup_valueis less than all values in the lookup table the functionreturns the #N/A errorIf we omit range_lookup both functionswill allow a nonexact or approximate match but it will use an exact match if one exists The approximate match is set as 1 and exact match is set as 2If we set the range_lookupto approximate match then the lookup values in the first row of the table must be sorted in ascending order Otherwise HLOOKUP may return an incorrect or unexpected value Most of the time the problem you will need to solve will be more complex than a simple application of a formula or function If you want to save hours of research and frustration try our live Excelchat service! Our Excel Experts are available 24/7 to answer any Excel question you may have We guarantee a connection within 30 seconds and a customized solution within 20 minutes.
Excel Hlookup Function Look Up A Reference Horizontally
Learn How to Use VLOOKUP and HLOOKUP Together in Excel
HLOOKUP vs VLOOKUP: A Beginner's Guide GoSkills
Cara Menggunakan Rumus Excel VLOOKUP dan HLOOKUP Advernesia
The HLOOKUP and VLOOKUP functions are grouped in the lookup category of functions The function looks for a certain value in the first row (HLOOKUP (h)orizontal) or column (VLOOKUP (v)ertical) of a table and returns any value from the same column (HLOOKUP) or row (VLOOKUP) In the example below we are using the Member ID field in the Workshop Registrations dataset to find the same Member ID in the Members dataset to return the First Name linked to the ID.