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Reference Location Gentong Gunung Indonesia Area 147 mile 236 km radius #1 Gunung Sewu Geopark Protected Area Updated 20190825 Gunung Sewu Geopark or Sewu Mountains is a series of mountains stretching along the southern coast of Gunung Kidul Regency and Wonogiri Regency of Central Java to Tulungagung Regency of East Java in the island of Java Indonesia.
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Ujung Genteng is a village in an area of Ciletuh Palabuhanratu Geopark the National Geopark in the Sukabumi Regency in West Java Indonesia about 80 Kilometers from SukabumiUjung Genteng is famous for its Green Turtle nature reserve beautiful beaches and waterfalls nearby famous for a turtle conservation of green sea turtle (Chelonia Mydas) a protected animal of our.
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Gentong Kidul Destination Guide (West Java, Indonesia
Reference Location Gentong Curah Indonesia Area 626 mile 1007 km radius #1 Baluran National Park Protected Area Updated 20200425 Baluran National Park is located in Situbondo Regency East Java Indonesia It has a relatively dry climate and mainly consists of savanna as well as lowland forests mangrove forests and hills with Mount Baluran as its highest peak.