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Artstation Fashion Illustration Amanda Tristania Indah from ArtStation
Here TEC answers three essential questions about the evolving process of fashion illustration Sejak abad ke16 ilustrasi telah memegang peran signifikan dalam dunia fashionSekarang meski ketajaman lensa kamera bisa diandalkan untuk mewartakan representasi realistik sebuah karya mode maupun memproduksi ramuan artistik di mana.
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Saatnya nambah skill dan ilmu tentang fashion lagi dari Sylvia Soh nih guys! Kali ini sylvia bakalan kasih kita tutorial fashion illustration lagi untuk gamb.
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These days fashion illustration is appreciated by a more social savvy audience as an art form rather than a ‘paint by numbers’ necessity to record People are looking for something different if they commission a fashion illustrator rather than a photographer it’s no longer the ‘poor relation’ but an intimate way of interpreting fashion which stands the test of time as a.
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