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Download Borland C++ for free Borland C++ The Borland C Compiler (BCC) is the foundation and core technology of C Builder 5 Windows Mac EN Windows Development Tools IDE Borland C++ Borland C++ Write and compile legacy as well as new C++ code Download now 36 on 790 votes 0 /5 stars Developer Embarcadero Technologies Inc License Freeware.
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Borland Turbo C++ is a C and C++ programming environment (that is an integrated development environment) for MSDOS and Microsoft Windows It was the successor to Turbo C++ and included a better debugger the Turbo Debugger which was written in protected mode DOS Additionally this version of Borland Turbo C++ is compatible with both 32bit and 64bit.
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Borland C++ is a C and C++ IDE (integrated development environment) for MSDOS and Microsoft Windows It was the successor to Turbo C++ and included a better debugger the Turbo Debugger which was written in protected mode DOS Libraries Object Windows Library (OWL) A set of C++ classes to make it easier to develop professional graphical Windows applications Turbo.