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Snowball The Secret Life of Pets Wiki Fandom
Boneka snowball pesona tekstil amis
OverviewAppearancePersonalitySnowball is a white rabbit the false antagonist in The Secret Life of Pets and the deuteragonist in The Secret Life of Pets 2 He is the former leader of The Flushed Pets In The Secret Life of Pets 2 he adopts the superhero alter ego Captain Snowball a persona which is given to him by his owner He is voiced by Kevin Hart Snowball is a white rabbit with long ears small paws with pink paw pads and a fluffy tail He has buck teeth and the ability to get rid of all expressions so that he can fool people into thinking that he is just a regular rabbit As Captain Snowball he wears a blue and yellow super suit with a circle in the center with the letter S on it He wears a yellow cape on the back He wears a yellow pair of shoes Snowball is known for being insanely cute but also literally insane due to the trauma of being abandoned by his owner He has a hate for pets and their owners Snowball initially fits the classic “evil mastermind” stereotype wanting to dominate the world using The Flushed Pets Snowball is also incredibly unconventional and manipulative with a tendency to rely on oneliner comedy However in the end he had a change of heart yearning to be a pet one more time.