Bmp 3F Marinir. BMP3F – Armed with the standard 2K23 turret Specially designed for operations at sea with improved seaworthiness and buoyancy capability to move afloat at sea state 3 and fire with the required accuracy at sea state 2.
Marinir Tni Al On Twitter Batalyon Tank Amfibi 2 Mar Yontankfib 2 Mar Melaksanakan Uji Arung Ranpur Tank Bmp 3f Dan Pt 76 M Dalam Rangka Pengecekan Kesiapan Kendaraan Tempur Ranpur Untuk from Twitter
BMP3F from Kurganmashzavod JSC is a marines fighting vehicle developed specifically for the marine forces and quick reaction forces The vehicle offers superior fire power mobility and protection for the amphibious troops to conduct sustained assault missions.
Tank BMP 3F Marinir TNI AL #shorts ???????????????????????? YouTube
Yang ditunggu akhirnya datang juga ranpur (kendaraan tempur) BMP3F milik korps Marinir akhirnya tiba di Tanah Air pada 27 November lalu di Surabaya Jumlahnya memang tak banyak hanya 17 unit tapi inilah jenis tank paling modern dan tercanggih yang dimiliki Indonesia saat ini dilihat dari kelengkapan persenjataan yang dibawa.
BMP3F: Tank Amfibi “Kelas Berat” TNIAL
Korps Marinir mempunyai 54 unit tank amfibi BMP3F dimana 17 unit pertamanya datang pada bulan Desember tahun 2010 Kemungkinan yang dilakukan maintenance adalah tank BMP3F yang telah memiliki umur 11 tahun.
DEFENSE STUDIES: Tank BMP3F Pertama Selesai Menjalani
Thanks to its excellent mobility protection and firepower combined with its exceptional reliability the BMP3F has become one of the best examples of amphibious combat vehicles The Indonesian Marines highly appreciate the BMP3F saying that this vehicle is almost ideal for their conditions of use.
Marinir Tni Al On Twitter Batalyon Tank Amfibi 2 Mar Yontankfib 2 Mar Melaksanakan Uji Arung Ranpur Tank Bmp 3f Dan Pt 76 M Dalam Rangka Pengecekan Kesiapan Kendaraan Tempur Ranpur Untuk
DEFENSE STUDIES: What is Special About the BMP3F Indonesia