Berau Airport. Berau airport Kalimarau AirportBerau Airport Kalimarau Airport is located in Berau IATA Code is BEJ Get detailed information about Berau Airport about contact number and hotels.
Bej Tanjung Redep Kalimaru Airport Berau Ki Id Airport Great Circle Mapper from Great Circle Mapper
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Berau Airport Information from Skyscanner
Berau Airport Use Wegocomau to access the greatest selection of flights online Wego allows you to find the cheapest flights flying from Berau Airport in Berau Use Wego's airport directory to find the cheapest airline tickets from international airports and domestic airports in Indonesia and Asia Full Name Berau AirportLatitude 216667IATA Code BEJLongitude 1177.
Berau Airport, East Kalimantan, Indonesia
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Berau Airport flight schedule, Berau arrivals and departures
Berau AirportBerau Kalimarau Airport is also known as Tanjung Redep Kalimarau Airport and is a regional passenger airport in the Indonesian province of Kalimantan Timur on the island of Borneo Regular flights are currently operated to Balikpapan Nunukan Samarinda or Tarakan .
Bej Tanjung Redep Kalimaru Airport Berau Ki Id Airport Great Circle Mapper